Bianka Ismailovski

Sober, bisexual, ethically non-monogamous comedian and sex worker

Bianka Ismailovski is a force to be reckoned with. At the age of 34 she’s got the introspection of a 74 year old. But don’t let that put you off…or the fact that she’s been sober for 5 years either.

Bianka’s newly discovered independence after divorcing at the age of 30 came with a free set of steak knives - in the form of a self-awakening; about body image, sexuality, and uncovering pleasure. All alongside finding the funny side of life as a stand-up comedian. 

Her food memories take us to Croatia where she spent final moments with her Dad at the age of 9 - to Wedge Island in WA and dancing around the kitchen as a teenager eating pasta snacks with her best friend. 

Listen in as Savva and Bianka chat life, sex, fragility and all the things it takes to be human in this episode of Three Food Memories. And as Bianka says “Don’t outsource the job of loving yourself to someone else, they’re never going to be able to do it as well as you can do it.”

Bianka’s social cause is Dangerous Females - who raise money for Australian services that prevent and support people who are victims of abuse, assault, and domestic violence. These services provide a range of support to our communities from women’s shelters, advocacy, domestic violence counselling and community education, emergency safety planning and re-homing from violent situations.


Evi O, Toni Clarke, Daimon Downey, presented by SAINT CLOCHE


Daniel Principe