Chris Bath

Australian Journalist & Bird-Nerd

If you’ve watched or listened to Australian prime-time news any time in the last 30 years, it’s likely you’ll recognise the face and voice of our guest in this episode of Three Food Memories. 

And if you’ve watched social media at any time in your life, it's likely you'll have heard her swearing in Greek too.

Chris Bath has been in the media since 1988, but it was working as a waitress in a Surry Hills restaurant (that later turned into a leather bar) that brought her to our screens.  

Direct from her Bird-Nerd Farm in the lower Hunter Valley, hear how growing up with Maltese mates fuelled a desire to see (and eat) the world, how mutual love of a spicy condiment made her fall in love with her husband Jim, the truth behind the infamous Greek swearing that went viral…and how the phrase became useful later on! 

*A Greek and English swear warning in this episode


Deborah Cheetham Fraillon AO